
Podcast Ep 26. The Secret To Aging Backward

In this episode, Shamina shares what she believes is the secret to aging backward.
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Podcast Ep 25. Work Smarter Not Harder: Why Working Hard Is The Longest Path To Success

If you’re reading this you probably believe that with hard work comes great success. In this episode, Shamina shares how to create wealth with ease, redefines the path to success, and shows you how to work smarter, not harder bringing an awareness of how this belief is keeping you from your next level. 

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Podcast Ep 17. Your Messaging In Business

In this episode, Shamina shares the importance of your messaging in business when creating a brand. This starts with knowing your avatar, connecting to your why and what you want to share with the world, and is the embodiment of your brand. 

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Podcast Ep 16. Receiving: Tapping Into Your Feminine Energy

A lot of high-achieving women have a hard time letting go of control and letting help in. They don’t want to feel like they “owe” anyone anything. But, being in this state hinders a lot of success and fulfillment. In this episode, Shamina shares why it’s so important to do self-development work in order to feel safe in receiving both life and business. 

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You Get To Have A “BOTH” Life

Original Post: Shamina Taylor Facebook

You can’t have both.

You have to choose.

It’s one OR the other.

I was having a discussion with someone over the weekend and they said I would rather be wealthy, have experiences in life, and not buy things.


You don’t want both.

That is your prerogative.

Not me. I want ALL of it.

I see posts all the time talking about this.

Where people proclaim, I would rather spend my money enjoying life. Having vacations then things.

It’s like there is a belief if you choose one you cannot have the other. And if you wanted the “things” it would make you a bad person or greedy.

I want BOTH.

I know I can have both, so I want both.

Both are available.

If you believe you can only have one, then yes there is a painful choice to be made.

Whatever we assign meaning to is what we get.

I personally don’t feel we have to choose.

I can have BOTH.

I believe it is both.

Both is expansive, which means there are no limits.

OR mentality = You can’t have both. So you need to choose.

NOW, I know I can have whatever it is I desire.

So I don’t need to choose.

So many are taught at a young age, pick one. You only get one little Susie, don’t be greedy.

And as a child, you want both.

But you are taught very early this isn’t a “both” life.


Because we don’t want them to be entitled or think life can come easy.

*Insert struggle mentality*

It’s to keep them humble so they know in order to be successful they need to work hard REALLY HARD.


The majority of the women who I mentor don’t have the expansiveness of both even though they are the most hardworking women you will ever meet (p.s. handwork doesn’t equally wealthy).

In fact, they limit themselves so much that what they do is NEVER enough.

So they never know how expansive they can be, or life can be. Because they resort back to the OR mentality, not both.

Their mindset is…

Only if I need it, only if it is necessary.

Rarely just because they desire it.

They don’t feel deserving of both.

And I know some will justify when they don’t want both and say….

‘It just doesn’t excite me.’


Or are you just limiting yourself justifying why you are settling for OR.

I am here to tell you….

You can have both if you choose both.


Would You Wear A 61-Carat Ring?

Original Post: Shamina Taylor Facebook

This guy made a post about how he was having dinner with his friend who drove a Bugatti.

And while they were at dinner they were eyeing this guy’s watch while he was dining with his wife.

The wife was wearing a 61-carat canary 80 million dollar diamond ring they bought from a museum and they had been married for 30 years.

I read this and I naturally went and googled a 61-carat ring. I mean you probably will too lol.

My friend owned a 6-carat rock the size of my eyeball so I couldn’t imagine what a 61-carat ring would look like.

Oh and the guy they were looking at apparently owned t-shirt factories in Bangladesh. Let’s assume the entire story is true.

What was interesting about it was the comments…..many were very supportive…then the ones who weren’t.

It is always so interesting to see how people react toward another’s wealth. What judgments they make tell me so much about their money mindset.

One commenter said (I am paraphrasing), I would never want to be married to a woman who felt it was okay to wear an 80 million dollar ring. That money could go to charity and change the world.

It could.

He assumed we had to throw the whole wife away because she wore a ring with a certain value.

I mean if it was 100k would we still throw her away?


I mean you’re entitled to it.

No one is stopping judgment.

Don’t try to.

But I can guarantee you this man’s thinking is limiting what is truly available for him to receive in this lifetime.

Another guy said (I am paraphrasing again), I bet he pays his employees $5 an hour and they work in sweat factories, why doesn’t he pay his people better with that money? He made up a whole scenario and story in minutes.

He might. I don’t know.

How many times have we done that?

Based upon our judgments.

We ASSUME things because we think our way is the right and only way.

Then this big long story we’ve made up gets attached very quickly to who people are from their success or what they have.

MONEY will bring out everything that is hiding deep in you about what you feel about YOURSELF.

Want to know where your money issues are, check in with your judgments.

What was your reaction when you read someone owned an 80 million dollar ring and was wearing it?

You know that saying when we judge others, we are actually judging ourselves.

Next time you see yourself judging how other people spend their money, invest their money, spend their money, make their money….including yourself.

STOP and ask yourself why am I so invested in how and why people are using their money.

What does this have anything to do with me?

It’s not taking away from you, is it?

I mean it might feel like it if you don’t live in abundance.

I mean they are printing the paper right this second.

It isn’t running out.

Whatever we assign meaning to becomes our reality.

I got EXPANDED with the idea of a 61-carat rock. I mean she can miss arm day at the gym with that rock.

Others let their limited mindset show, they saw what they DIDN’T have, what wasn’t available to them.

When your default is lack, you will ALWAYS judge everything.

Money doesn’t buy happiness.

But, I am here for the human experience and if it involves experiencing whatever I desire, I am going to experience it as bougie and fancy as I want to.

Because I can. How bout you?