
How to Detach Yourself From Someone You Loved

It’s time to cancel people out who do not serve your life, your message, your vision, and your purpose. These are people who will keep you behind on your journey. Holding yourself to a higher standard is how you start aligning yourself with what does serve you.

This is most likely one of the biggest decisions that anyone can make. But you have to start evaluating who is there to support or stunt your growth for the path or journey you’re walking. It’s time to get super serious about this! Who and what are you allowing in your life right now that is not meant to serve you?

00:00 – Intro
00:23 – How to align to a solution
01:25 – How raising your standard raises your frequency
03:00 – Taking responsibility in difficult conversations
04:43 – Not everyone will grow with you
06:46 – Be around people who elevate you
13:31 – They WILL take it personally

#howtoendarelationship #endingrelationships #cuttingpeopleout #cancelpeopleout #peoplewhodontserveyou #endings

How I Created A Multi-Million-Dollar Brand

In the earlier days of my spiritual awakening, the words spiritual and millionaire were never in the same sentence. My story and what I had attached to it, however, is when things started changing for me when I eventually trusted my calling to go and start a business.

I then ventured off into my calling and I became a spiritual millionaire mentoring the person out there who was in a place where I was and wanted to know how to create a multi-million dollar brand from literally nothing. So, in this video you’re going to hear about my story, how I became a spiritual millionaire, and how I created a multi-million dollar brand after a divorce as a single mom.

Hang tight, and grab your popcorn because this is a story worth hearing. I had to find my calling and trust that I could take this entrepreneurial advice from someone who had to find her way to create a successfully thriving business, the mindset, and affirmations that it took as well as the secrets and the power of mentorship as you’re reaching higher levels.

00:00 – Intro
01:19 – The Conscious Frequency
01:36 – My Spiritual Awakening
04:26 – When I Cracked Open
06:08 – The Big Release
08:54 – Living in Survival Mode
10:21 – Waking Up To The Calling
16:28 – My Story!
23:46 – Your Mess = Your Message

#howtocreateamilliondollarbusiness #secretmillionaire #successsecrets

Owning Your Emotions And Handling Unprocessed Trauma

(Watch the full video on YouTube) Dive into this video with Shamina as she takes you on a discussion about the importance of owning your emotions and handling unprocessed trauma. When we don’t own emotions or go through the process of handling unprocessed trauma, this can make the journey harder.

It’s only once you start opening your heart and owning your emotions instead of bypassing them, that you also start opening the door and understanding how the best way is to handle unprocessed trauma too. When it comes to handling unprocessed trauma and emotions it’s important to be gentle with yourself, as this doesn’t happen overnight – only through deeply feeling and owning your emotions!

00:00 – Intro
01:24 – Projecting Emotions
03:11 – Why Your Emotions Need Processing
05:56 – You Don’t Need to Dig Up The Past
08:56 – The Benefits of Emotional Ownership
12:55 – What Happens When You Don’t Process
14:48 – Allow The Emotions To Rise

#emotions #owningyouremotions #unprocessedtrauma #emotionsandtrauma #dealingwithhealing #healingemotions #healingtrauma #processingtrauma

Money Is Energy Explained (How Money And The MASCULINE Are Linked)

(Watch the full video on YouTube) Money is energy EXPLAINED! In this episode, Shamina shares how much meaning we give to money when in reality, all it is is energy. There are different ways to look at this and one could be how money and the masculine are linked.

When we thing about how we look at the masculine for safety, the same can be seen with money. When you learn how to master this concept you can become a master at creating and alchemising how wealth comes into your life.

00:00 – Intro
01:42 – Money Is Similar To The Masculine Energy (Concept)
03:40 – How We Look To Money For Safety
05:55 – Money Is More Emotional Than We Realize
09:55 – Hustle Mode And What It Really Means
13:16 – What Takes Up Energetic Space
15:55 – Reinstating Supportive Money Beliefs
17:07 – When I Realised I Figured Something Out

#howmoneyworks #moneyisenergy #moneyisenergyexplained #theconceptbehindmoney #theenergyofmoney #emotionalintelligence #emotionalmastery #havingpowerovermoney #alchemisingwealth #howmoneyandmasculinearelinked #masteringwealthinyourlife #wealthcreation

Podcast 61. Emotional Money Mastery

In this episode, we break down how your relationship with money is really NOT about the money. 

Have a question and want your question to be featured on the show? Leave your voice note here:

Grab The Wealth Consciousness Instant Money Expansion Workshop for ONLY $22.22:

Grab my program HEAL TO RECEIVE and start allowing the money, the wealth, and the love to flow to you:

Did you hear the news?! I am OFFICIALLY a published author!! ✨Unlocking The Quantum Woman✨ is available to purchase NOW: 



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Head over to The Quantum Woman Facebook group to join our community of amazing women like you: Then check out our website to download my FREE Wealth Code Meditation:

Find Shamina everywhere else:

Podcast Ep 60. Stop Using NEED As The Measurement of What You Allow Yourself To Have

Whoever needed a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes anyway? Listen in to find out why you should STOP using NEED as a measurement for the things you allow yourself to purchase. 

Have a question and want your question to be featured on the show? Leave your voice note here:

Grab The Wealth Consciousness Instant Money Expansion Workshop for ONLY $22.22:

Grab my program HEAL TO RECEIVE and start allowing the money, the wealth, and the love to flow to you:

Did you hear the news?! I am OFFICIALLY a published author!! ✨Unlocking The Quantum Woman✨ is available to purchase NOW: 



Where are you on Your Quantum Woman Journey? ✨Take Our Quiz:

Download my ✨FREE Wealth Code Meditation:

Head over to The Quantum Woman Facebook group to join our community of amazing women like you: Then check out our website to download my FREE Wealth Code Meditation:

Find Shamina everywhere else: