Please note: These results depicted here are not income claims, nor are they typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon our clients joining our programs.
Please note: These results depicted here are not income claims, nor are they typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon our clients joining our programs.
Please note: These results depicted here are not income claims, nor are they typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon our clients joining our programs.
Emotional Self Mastery is my favorite container. It’s foundational. It’s mandatory training in my book… and it has changed my landscape on how I live my daily life.
I have embodied a new standard of who Marissa can be. I have received absolute miracles this year because of healing I did with her. I have been able to empower myself so spectacularly because of the tools she gives in these programs. I'm always so proud of myself for the leaders I choose and for saying yes to myself in working with them. It is worth it every time. Thank you again, Shamina.
Being mentored by Shamina and taking Accessing The Quantum Through Emotional Self-Mastery is truly life changing! My relationship with myself has improved. My relationship with my family have improved. If I’d not taken her courses I’d still be stuck in negative and harsh cycles and relationships.
Spending 4 months in this program came exactly in perfect timing. I cleared so much stuck energy in my body, I am now physically more active everyday. I am more creative, I am developing my own coaching business, I have a new zest living, I shift my thinking not serving my highest/best good more quickly.
I did do EMDR therapy after but everything moves out of my system so quickly because I was emotionally prepared to release! My therapist is amazed by my progress.
Please note: These results depicted here are not income claims, nor are they typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon our clients joining our programs.