I Help Women
Like Awaken Their Power
To Unlock

Upcoming FAST CASH Challenge:
Sept 9th - 13th


The Rich Frequency is a $111 5 day fast cash challenge with me as your wealth mentor where I show you how easy it can be to start making money FAST.

My previous Fast Cash Challenge was almost 2 years to date and collectively, we generated over half-a-million collectively over the 5 days challenge we did together. 


Money came in the form of new clients, unexpected money coming in the mail, unexpected refunds, and so much more.

5 Days with me doesn’t usually come at the price of $111 so if you decide to join, you’re getting all my most-effective techniques to apply DAILY throughout this challenge. Ready to make money FAST? Click the button below to secure your spot.



Come join me in-person this October for the most expansive experience where you get to shift your wealth consciousness and quantum leap in real time! It's time to put yourself in a high-frequency room where magical shifts will initiate in your life and business. Early Bird tickets are now available at only $297. VIP Tickets with a dinner experience included are now also at early-bird price for only $1,788


The 7-Figure Woman

In just 3 days you’ll uncover the personal and business shift it takes to create more  wealth while still staying in your power as a leader. 

I’ll share with you my 3-part process on how I am able to help my clients surpass their highest cash month every month, and doing it in a way that’s completely aligned with the high-value woman that they are.

It’s time to step into the 7-Figure Woman you desire to be, so come and join me for this powerful class from Dec 11th – 13th from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. CST.


My Book, Unlocking the Quantum Woman® Is Out Now and Available On Amazon!


Head on over to Amazon and grab your e-book version for only $9.99. There is also a paperback version available at $24.99.

Thank you so much for being in my world! Every sale helps in helping me rank higher in more categories with this book.

Much love,

Hundreds of women use this meditation everyday
and have incredible results, like…

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Do You Believe You Get to Have It All?

You are a high-achieving woman who knows exactly what it takes to be successful. Logically, you know you can have it all. You have all the steps, systems, and strategies.

You’ve done it before. You have the results to prove it. A successful business, happy-enough relationships, comfortable home, you name it.

Still, something isn’t clicking.

You feel like a piece is missing.
As though there’s more out there for you.

Many of the women who come into my world already know they need something but don’t know what.

Do you feel like you’ve tried everything
and aren’t sure why it’s not working?

You just know it has to be easier than this.
Easier than the hustle and the never-ending tasks that have gotten you this far.

And I’m here to tell you, that there’s a difference between knowing you can do and have everything… and actually believing it.

Do you believe that there’s a 7-figure 
version of you?

Do you believe there has to be something 
more than your “dream” life?

Do you believe it’ll take forever, or so much more work to get to that level?

(If you’re my people, you’re nodding your head right now.)

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Welcome Gorgeous.

My name is
and I’m here to help you step
into your belief.

I celebrate you and all the amazing work you’ve done so far. Not everyone can show up as you do. I was once like you, hustling, getting results, being a boss. And it was great for a while. I had the perfect life — career, body, house, two beautiful children, and husband.

And just like you, I found myself searching for something more. In 2013, I had the most profound awakening that made me realize there was more to my life than what I’d achieved. Face down on my yoga mat doing the ugliest cry of my life, I made a decision to surrender, to discovering a new way and follow where my soul was calling me. I had no idea what or how it was going to happen, but I chose to trust the more I was feeling as possible.

Fast forward through a divorce, becoming a single mom, and starting all over again, is when I finally realized I had a calling I couldn’t ignore — the scary part?

It would require me to
fully step into my power.

Today, after years of healing and taking action, I continue to use the skills that made me successful, while also mastering how to supplement it with the easier flow of belief.

Imagine running a business with emotional mastery instead of letting your business mess with your emotions. What if you used strategies based on energetics instead of goals and still get out-of-this-world results? Instead of being driven to achieve external success, imagine being led by your soul to success. Following, trusting, and believing that no matter what, you truly do get to have it all.

Instead of being trapped
by the hustle, imagine
leading success with
your soul.

A place where no matter what strategies you are using and testing out, you know and believe that it is all working out. Where strategy, desire, and success come together to fulfill that missing piece. From here you can step away from the everyday hustle and burnout.

I invite you to step into
the ease and flow.

This doesn’t mean letting go of what is already working. It’s a process of allowing.

Not only did I go through this process myself, but I’ve also helped

thousands of women achieve this level of success and fulfillment

Here are some of their stories:

“It will absolutely change your life.”

Emotional Self Mastery is my favorite container. It’s foundational. It’s mandatory training in my book… and it has changed my landscape on how I live my daily life.

“I have a new zest living.”

Spending 4 months in this program came exactly in perfect timing. I cleared so much stuck energy in my body, I am now physically more active everyday. I am more creative, I am developing my own coaching business, I have a new zest living, I shift my thinking not serving my highest/best good more quickly.

“What a life and game changer.”

Being mentored by Shamina and taking Accessing The Quantum Through Emotional Self-Mastery is truly life changing! My relationship with myself has improved. My relationship with my family have improved. If I'd not taken her courses I'd still be stuck in negative and harsh cycles and relationships.


Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Every woman who works with me comes in with a unique set of goals, desires, and visions. I understand that you also have your own set of fears and obstacles. And when you share these with me, I help you believe in yourself in ways you never have before.

My life’s purpose is to guide you with actionable steps that help shift you into the right mindset to take messy action to get you whatever result you desire. To step into the woman, the power of who you be.

The version of you that designs the life of your dreams by connecting with ALL of your desires. Just imagine:

It’s Time to Get These Results
by Prioritizing Yourself

Really, prioritizing yourself IS a part of the work. It may seem unimportant when you have deadlines in your business and piles of laundry at home, but remember, tiny shifts like this can bring you massive results. The last thing you need is another big source of overwhelm.

When the women in my space
do this work, they find amazing results.

You can be like them. Buying from desire, instead of lack or need. Finding your non-negotiables that you retract for no one. Working out to get your body buzzing with energy.

By making yourself a priority, you believe that you are worth it. You are worth the success, the ease, your dreams, your desires.

You get to have freedom
doing what feels good
for you.

Visualize this result…
Burnout, exhaustion, excess weight, sleepless nights and sexless marriages are things of the past.

There are seemingly more hours in the day to…

– Spend with loved ones
– Follow creative passions
– Meet up with girlfriends on a weekday afternoon
– Relax and read a book
– Sleep in if you want or stay up late

Your calendar now has
time for dreaming instead
of being crammed with
overwhelming tasks.

You are intentional with your time. Your new reality is that even when you are busy, you are enjoying what you’re doing. The time spent to complete any task, for business, self-care, family, is well used
and it’s easy.

Through the way I teach self-care, nothing stops you from finally having this reality. The you who is so in love with yourself and who you be. The you who is following her own unique path to limitless wealth.

Here’s some of my clients words on what this type
of self-care has done for them:

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Being is Your Birthright

When you build success and wealth from pure, non-stop strategy, it is difficult to let go of what’s worked before. The wheel keeps spinning thanks to the hard work you put in. Being wealthy means working hard.

But, there is another way to look at it. I’ll say it again:


From the moment you desired wealth, it existed for you. When you believe this, the following becomes possible:

It’s okay to make money being you.
It’s safe to be loved being you.

You get to have it all.

You are capable of reaching enormous
amounts of wealth like the women who are
already in my world.

Where you go from thinking:

To instead believing that your dreams and desires are
there to guide you towards your most soul-fulfilled self.

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Just like I made the decision to step into my power,

accessing the power that already exists in you is just one decision away.

With me as your mentor, you’ll receive the steps on the inner work required to get to know your deepest self and meet parts of yourself you’ve never met before.

You will grow your self-awareness and this leads to immeasurable transformations that allow you to go into your desires, your dreams, and build such a strong foundation of love and success, that you believe in your power to accomplish anything.

Then, it isn’t a question of if, but of when you’ll shift into your power and belief. That moment, of when you’ve done the inner work and know that more is coming and have The Quantum Leap.

Imagine having a deep knowing and belief that more is always coming, no matter what. What would it feel like to live in this energy? Where you are supported and able to work through any and all of your blocks.

What is the cost of staying where you are right now,
when limitless wealth is available to you?

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

The Quantum Woman™ Knows

When you are done with the hustle mode, adding longer hours and tasks to your never-ending to-do list, and putting off what you really desire, The Quantum Woman™ starts showing up.

Wondering what’s the next best strategy, stops here. You will no longer be worried about how it’s all going to play out and when the results are going to come in.

But when you embody your power, more wealth, success, more of whatever desire means going into the flow of things.

A place, where you can tap into something you didn’t know existed. A space where your current strategies become more efficient, powerful, and potent, and all of it surrounded by a sense of ease.

Every choice you make for your life, relationships, business, feels more like you and where you desire to be.

When you try so hard to keep everything perfect and in order, it’s just a belief. It’s a process to keep things from going wrong in order to protect yourself.

By allowing yourself to feel and work in your true zone of genius, you cannot get it wrong. Your business and life will run like clockwork.

You will step into the woman you are meant to be and accomplish what you know you came here to do in this lifetime.

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

join me and become
The Quantum Woman™ who has it all.

You don’t need to know every detail and have everything figured out.
If you’re ready to stay free and open to the endless possibilities,

“What a life and game changer.”

Being mentored by Shamina and taking Accessing The Quantum Through Emotional Self-Mastery is truly life changing! My relationship with myself has improved. My relationship with my family have improved. If I'd not taken her courses I'd still be stuck in negative and harsh cycles and relationships.

“My life has transformed.”

I had so many breakthroughs, from self-worth to shedding emotional baggage that I have been carrying for decades. I have been able to manifest wealth (in access of $70K of additional income I didn't plan for) and am in the process of creating the life I desire.

“Celebrating a $10k sales day to start the month!!”

I have been so committed to doing the internal work, clearing out the crap, healing and expanding my vision and relationship to money in Shamina Taylor’s world and it is happening.


Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Are you ready to play full out?

I know you’ve been playing small. You’ve made decisions based on what was expected of you and what is safe. But you know you’re no longer comfortable in it. I was there too, and I know what it takes to move you forward.

As your mentor and teacher, we will gain clarity on your desires and break through any current and future blocks. With clear, actionable steps based on your unique situation, you get to create aligned offers that attract your dream clients. You get to have the 6-figure launches.

As your mentor and teacher, we will gain clarity on your desires and break through any current and future blocks. With clear, actionable steps based on your unique situation, you get to create aligned offers that attract your dream clients. You get to have the 6-figure launches.

From the smallest desire
to the biggest dream,
you get to have it all.

We live in a limitless world. In order to access this incredible wealth available to us, you have to be willing to do the deep, inner work. I’ve seen it time and again. When women do the work, they come out fully in their power, ready to play bigger than they ever have before and to receive in ways they could’ve never imagined.

“Day 4 of being in your [mastermind] program and watching the modules, and we got a letter from the IRS saying we made a mistake in your taxes last year and here’s an extra $2500. And I just had to go right, it’s not about where it’s coming from. It was just a sign for me, from the Universe, that getting into the right energy and receiving is receiving.”
– Maraya B.

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

I know you’ve been playing small. You’ve made decisions based on what was expected of you and what is safe. But you know you’re no longer comfortable in it. I was there too, and I know what it takes to move you forward.

As your mentor and teacher, we will gain clarity on your desires and break through any current and future blocks. With clear, actionable steps based on your unique situation, you get to create aligned offers that attract your dream clients. You get to have the 6-figure launches.

From the smallest desire
to the biggest dream,
you get to have it all.

We live in a limitless world. In order to access this incredible wealth available to us, you have to be willing to do the deep, inner work. I’ve seen it time and again. When women do the work, they come out fully in their power, ready to play bigger than they ever have before and to receive in ways they could’ve never imagined.

“Day 4 of being in your [mastermind] program and watching the modules, and we got a letter from the IRS saying we made a mistake in your taxes last year and here’s an extra $2500. And I just had to go right, it’s not about where it’s coming from. It was just a sign for me, from the Universe, that getting into the right energy and receiving is receiving.”
– Maraya B.

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

I see your power, your potential,
and your purpose.

I believe in you even when you don’t feel safe to fully believe in yourself. You know you have this great power within you and this container holds space for you to expand beyond what you imagined.

Because you don’t have to do it alone. I want to see you shine, celebrate your power, not in competition, but in sisterhood.

The other women here also want to see you succeed. Because if she can, we all can. It is a safe space to be vulnerable and share anything from personal and business.

You don’t have to put on a mask in this sisterhood. Every woman understands where you’re coming from and where you desire to go.

Together, as a community, we
achieve life-changing, massive

This is how the women in my world feel
about our community:

“OMG I’m so excited”

Last night I asked for $200-300 for my groceries this week and this morning when I checked my account there was $250. Thank You Universe and Shamina Taylor

Mellinda Essam
“It will absolutely change your life.”

Emotional Self Mastery is my favorite container. It’s foundational. It’s mandatory training in my book… and it has changed my landscape on how I live my daily life.

“I have a new zest living.”

Spending 4 months in this program came exactly in perfect timing. I cleared so much stuck energy in my body, I am now physically more active everyday. I am more creative, I am developing my own coaching business, I have a new zest living, I shift my thinking not serving my highest/best good more quickly.


Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

What If Everything You Wanted Is Possible?

You have the power to create the most incredible reality and say, “It’s happening.” A reality where your wealth, success, and desires emerge from a place of authenticity, love, and knowing — full trust in self.

Today, you get to decide to make that happen. Your journey is as unique as you are. 

All of this and more
is possible for you.

Anything you desire. All you have to do is say yes to yourself. The possibilities are limitless and within reach.

All while leaving behind the hustle, the burnout, the exhaustion, and everything that simply isn’t for you. Instead of being maxed out on your time, imagine getting time back and being able to spend it however you want. More time with family, friends, and enjoying activities that you love and spending all the money that you’re making however you want. Know more is coming!

I’m here to help you every step of the way with love, compassion, knowing, and clarity.

Join the women in my
world and together
we’ll rise.

Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Shamina Taylor, Attorney turned Wealth Expert, Business Mentor, Author and Speaker, helps high-achieving women level up in their personal lives and in their businesses by teaching them how to become the most powerful, fulfilled, wealthy, and successful version of themselves.

With over 20 years of experience, Shamina is a top industry leader and has helped hundreds of women build their businesses, both on- and offline. Her top clients are making up to $100k a month in recurring revenue and have crossed the million dollar mark in their businesses.

She is also known for working with high-profile grammy-winning celebrities and bringing them the most expansive results through her mentorship and programs.

Shamina herself has had a record-breaking year. Her business crossed a million in 10 months. She’s also a recipient of the 2021 Two Comma Club Award for earning over one million with ClickFunnels.

The Quantum Woman® Podcast by Shamina Taylor recently hit the top 20 out of 100 in business categories featuring binge-worthy solo and guest feature episodes, all the while her book Unlocking The Quantum Woman for Women landed the #1 bestseller for under women in business in on Amazon.com.

She has also spoken at events like Unfair Advantage Life, The Intuitive Entrepreneur, and The Smarter Income Stream and appears on TV every week to share her expertise on wealth in  Fortune, Yahoo Finance, and Medium, and on Pix11’s New York Living, Fox Seattle 13’s Good Day Seattle, CBS’s Virginia This Morning, Washington DC’s ABC7, and ABC Sacramento’s Your California Life.

Hello Gorgeous!

I am so happy that you are here. I was once like you, hustling and creating success the only way I knew how. I had a picture-perfect life, the dream career, the house, the husband, the body. This breakdown opened the doors to a life I only ever imagined living. I felt deeply unfulfilled and fundamentally unhappy.

I am so happy that you are here. I was once like you, hustling and creating success the only way I knew how. I had a picture-perfect life, the dream career, the house, the husband, the body. And yet something was still missing. I felt deeply unfulfilled and fundamentally unhappy.

One day while practicing yoga on live television, I had a breakthrough that altered the course of my life forever. It was the beginning of my spiritual path. This breakdown opened the doors to life I only ever imagined living. This was the day I decided I was ready to anchor into greatness and leap into my true calling.

It started with me allowing myself to take messy action and leaving perfection behind. This is how I accessed my Next-Level Self. By trusting the journey and giving myself space to figure out what worked and what as in alignment along the way.

Abundance and wealth is closer than you think. In truth, you have an inherent genius and purpose bursting to be set free! Because in allowing myself to heal and do the innerwork, my Next-Level Self shows up for me everyday.

Who is the Quantum Woman™?

The Quantum Woman ™ already lives in you. It is the version of you that trusts herself, knows her power, takes inspired action, and fully believes she is going to be ok no matter what she does. The you who loves and honors herself at every step of this journey. A journey where you get to be real, raw, and vulnerable. You are open to receiving and creating the wealth and abundance you desire.

I know with every fiber of my being that you get to have it all.

My work is dedicated to using my intuitive gifts to help heal, inspire and empower women. I can confidently say I have done the work and continue to do so on a daily basis. I bridge the gap between personal development, actionable business strategy, and spiritual growth.

I am here to help you access your most powerful, opulent, loving and 7-figure self. I am committed to help you clear any blocks and identify your limiting belief systems, to discover your true authentic self, awaken your deepest purpose and unleash the impact already living inside of you.

You are worthy and welcome and READY for a life of unlimited wealth and luxury.

What would it feel like to give yourself 100% permission to go all in on YOU?

Step into my world and meet your next-level self.

Sending so much love,


The Quantum Woman™ Success Stories

She is one of the wealthiest
in the room.
“Unexpected win!”

I didn't feel like going to the grocery store & had the thought to download instacart again. I downloaded the app & received free delivery unexpectedly! Now I get to stay home & spend more time with my husband and not have to worry about the stress of the store tonight 🎉 👏

Marisa Bailey-Clements
“Her program has healed me in many ways and will always be forever grateful for her amazing gifts!”

I am so grateful for Shamina for sharing her gifts and the healing she has given me. Above all for empowering me to be my own healer

“Each program shifted and healed and expanded me in such beautiful ways.”

I have received absolute miracles this year because of healing I did with her. I have been able to empower myself so spectacularly because of the tools she gives in these programs.


Please note: These wins displayed here are not income claims, nor are not typical results that are guaranteed for each individual. Results may vary from person to person and we are not liable for the outcome of any expected client results upon the client joining our programs.

Quantum Woman™ Wisdoms

Unlocking The Quantum Woman™ Lifestyle

The blog for passionate, intuitive, high-achieving women
looking to up-level their lives and success.

These insights from Shamina cover every aspect of life from wealth consciousness, business strategy, and energetics. Here you will learn how to use your masculine (the hustle and go mode that’s brought you success so far) while allowing the feminine (the receiving, knowing, and believing) to rise.

By applying these wisdoms, you, like many other women, will achieve Quantum Success and have massive results. It’s time to let go of the non-stop strategy and find yourself in the most optimal way of living, where you get to have it all.


The Quantum Woman™

Welcome to the world of the Quantum Woman™! As a highly successful woman, it is time for you to embody your full potential and attract the life of your dreams.

Tune in to hear what it takes to become the Quantum Woman™. The woman who makes money while having fun. The woman who trusts and believes that her energetic state will generate more prosperity, more time, and more pleasure. She understands that she gets to live an infinitely wealthy and luxurious lifestyle.

Ready to learn more?

In this space, Shamina dives into the intersection of logic, strategy & spirituality; shares conversations on cultivating consciousness and trusting your intuition, and offers insights about owning your gifts to boldly design the life of your dreams.

More is coming.

Subscribe now


Shamina has the experience,
methodology and energy

to fill rooms and galvanize audiences into inspired action.

Her powerful keynote resonates with so many women because it is a message they need to hear to make the immediate changes they are looking to make in their lives. She will inspire you to wake-up to your potential and take massive messy action from a place of alignment. Once you hear her story and the wisdom she has to share, you can never go back to how small you were playing before and instead being true to who you are while still having the results you’ve been looking for.

She is available to speak to audiences of high-level women about business strategy, wealth consciousness, and energetics. Any topic that speaks to the empowerment and self-development of women as a whole. She’s spoken for both online and in-person events.

She delivers an unforgettable experience from the stage. Women relate to her story of going from success to healing and becoming open to — and actually — having it all. They can feel how genuine and generous she is. They think, “If she can do it, so can I.” An unspoken connection is made that moves women into action.